Thursday, December 31, 2009

Future movie round-up

I've seen a total of 4 movies in the past 4 months (the number 4 is popping up quite a bit), three in the past week and one over Thanksgiving. Oh, the deprivation! Here's a sample of what's on my list:

And who can resist RDJ in all of his snarky cuteness?

the things I've learned...

After 4 months of being in an MBA program, I've learned a few things about myself:
  1. I can function on less than 5 hours of sleep for weeks at a a level that Forrest Gump could relate to, but functioning nonetheless.
  2. TAing 4 classes, taking 7, and recruiting in one quarter isn't very muti-tasking is not in my destiny.
  3. MBAs are really smart. And entitled. And savvy (not the pirate-kind...well, only the select few)...the roads are paved with dandelions on my swift trek back to mediocrity.
  4. Microsoft Outlook can be addictive...despite its penchant for crashing at inopportune moments. I've become one of those email junkies...someone get me a micro$oft patch.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

why I switched careers a year ago...

I didn't want to be publishing articles like this for the rest of my life (courtesy of The Review of Financial Studies):

  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Latent Affine Processes
  • Walrasian Tatonnement Auctions on the Tokyo Grain Exchange
  • An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and its Implication for Option Smirks
  • An Isomorphism between Asset Pricing Models with and without Linear Habit Formation get my drift. Real world, here I come!