Wednesday, October 24, 2007

a tribute to amy

Here are a few from my game theory professor:

"Trembling hand perfection is almost like subgame perfection on steroids."

"We don't ask how we got to a node. It's an act of God!"

"At least one person in the room can do algebra, and it's not me!"

"Algebra by consensus. One person! Yes! Democracy works!"

"You think I should change signs randomly? Good! I feel much better now."


Amy said...

Dude! Somehow my RSS subscription to your blog stopped working and I thought that you just didn't update anymore or something. Good thing I popped by, otherwise I'd be low on funny professor quotes. :) I'll be playing catch up now... probably reading all entries from the last year and a half. Hehe!

The E-Team said...

#3!!!! i love it!