Monday, April 10, 2006

the meat market

It's strange how young Americans have fun nowadays...going clubbing. Granted, once young people begin working, it's difficult to meet people that aren't your co-workers. But clubbing exists solely to get ass. Any guy who tries to have a meaningful conversation in a club is beyond creepy and should be avoided at all costs. Clubbing is just an orgy of gratuitious groping and grinding. It's basically like making out with random strangers while standing up.

We went to the Avalon in Fenway, which is the largest club in Boston. There were lines and lines of people flooding out of the door. The dance floor is a crowded, sweaty pit with fake mist everywhere (not sure how the mist helps). Some people really did go to dance and danced pretty damn well. Some guys just migrate from girl group to group, trying to dance as many people as possible. Others stood in a ring on the edge of the floor, picked out specific girls in the crowd that they wanted to dance with, and went after them. Honestly, it's like prostitution except that everyone pays the cover fee.

As one of my friends mentioned, it's brutal but honest because there's no pretense. Just by being there, a girl's going to get treated like a piece of property and get hit on. It's understood. The strange thing is that it doesn't feel uncomfortable at the time but sure as hell feels wrong later. At a club, you can just leave your brain at home and just go with the flow...

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