Sunday, July 30, 2006

fun at the range

Yesterday, I had a world of fun at Blue Ridge Arsenal in VA. Besides seeing Coriolanus in London, it was the highlight of my summer. I was shooting a P220 Sig Sauer, 9mm (~.357), which was fantastic, since I've only shot the Smith&Wesson .22 before and air pistol. Ok, so I have to mention that Jack Bauer uses a P228 Sig Sauer (.38) in seasons 1 & 2 of 24...

In Virginia and some other states, you can openly carry weapons (You do need a license for carrying a concealed weapon), but I think that's cool (not that I can afford a weapon or need a weapon any time in the near future).

At the firing range, it was 80% men, a few old grandmas (that was freaky), a family including teenage children, and me. Yup. Yay for demographics! I fired around 100 rounds, and my arms were screaming at me, but it was supremely fun. There's no adrenaline rush, but something very satisfactory about it. Firearms is really about 90% concentration and 10% strength (the reason for the MIT pistol team's success). Everyone's hand shakes, but you have to have the strength of mind to will your hand to shake less or even to stop shaking until getting off the perfect shot.

I came out of there sweat-covered with powder all over my shirt and a few on my face where the empty shells flew (doesn't hurt). There's also the sweet taste of powder (or lead) in the back of my throat:) Unfortunately, my arms were too short for the M2 carbine, the machine gun. It was loads of fun.

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