Saturday, November 17, 2007

creepy crawling critters

Yuck...I just saw a gigantic mouse running across the carpet. Why do mice keep on following me? I swear, the mouse that lived behind my fridge back in college made me scared to step inside my own room. I endured that one (a baby mouse for a year). Hopefully I was imagining this one (but probably not). Earlier today, I squashed this enormous bug with twenty flailing legs with an index card (the only thing I had on hand). Half of its legs fell off, but the rest continued wiggling. Now I feel like puking. There's something about small things that gross me out.

Maybe I should work hard just so I can afford a nice mouse and bug free apartment. The thing is, I don't really care about having nice things and I'm lazy, but I can't deal with critters. I'm not the world's cleanest person, but I'm not a total slob either. It's inconceivable that mice seek out my apartment because I don't have food anywhere in sight. The world is injust. Then again, maybe this is some kind of punishment for goofing off instead of doing my problem sets or grading papers, which is what I should have been doing.

I woke up at noon today, which I rarely do. Then I spent some of today watching Black Hawk Down, which also contributed to my feelings of nausea, especially the displaced thumb and the gruesome live surgery in the movie. The first time I saw the movie was my freshman year of college, when I stayed up most of the night to watch it after Armageddon. I think I started bawling at the end. I remember this incident because it was the day of my 18th birthday, and all of my friends were so sweet and surreptitiously cooked me a birthday brunch. My roommate kept on slipping in and out with bags of flour and cooking utensils, afraid that I would notice. Hah. My eyes were glued to my laptop screen and teary. At that time, I hadn't seen that many movies, I was more selective in my movie selection, and I was less jaded and resigned than I am now.

After that, I meticulously analyzed tunebite and started to look at muvaudio. I was surprised by tunebite's high quality. I still have to look at muvaudio before I buy either one. Then I analyzed 128 kbps vs 192 kbps vs 320 kbps. Honestly, I have some music that's 80 kbps, and I could hardly tell the difference between that and some of my other music. But then again, I'm almost completely music illiterate and tone deaf, so that's not very surprising. As for music players, I like the sound of iTunes the best. WMP sounds awful and the sound breaks, even when I attempt to adjust the equalizer. I guess it's always fun to learn things that aren't things that I'm actually supposed to be learning:)

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