Monday, May 08, 2006

jump start

There's no better way to jump start a morning than getting frantic calls on my cell phone at 8:23AM. Panicked freshman proceeded to first call and leave a voice message at 8:15AM, then called again at 8:23AM. Apparently, his life was ending because he didn't know which sloan classes to bid for or what he should take next semester.

I'm almost never in a good mood and certainly never at such an obscenely early hour. However, I tried to be helpful and invited said panicked freshman over so he could pre-register for classes on his laptop while I provided ground support from mine. While his enthusiasm is endearing, he could spare a bit to find that the information is all online. Good grief. Clearly, the point is to get as many required classes out of the way as possible so we can move on to bigger and better classes in the future.

Maybe I never took my classes seriously enough to have a full-fledged panic attack (I only started having those this year). Maybe I was still in EECS at the time and therefore dead to the rest of the world. I just don't understand why registering for classes qualifies as a national emergency for some people. I also don't understand why he would assume that I was awake at 8AM, considering that the majority of people here go to sleep around 3 or 4AM. Oh well...I guess it's cute that I can help out, but please, please don't wake me up in the future.