Monday, January 16, 2006

Action and Intrigue

Marathon session of the first season of 24 yesterday. We started at 2pm and ended at 9am this morning. The storyline was brilliant, with twists and turns in nearly every episode. The editing was sharp, and the acting was amazing, with kudos for Kiefer Sutherland (Jack Bauer), Sarah Clarke (Nina Myers), and Leslie Hope (Teri Bauer).

The pilot and first few episodes were well thought out and had the right combination of action and sentimentality. However, by the tenth episode, the story was dragging. By the twelfth episode, I was wondering how long Jack and his family could possibly run through the woods (As it happens, not much longer). By the seventeenth or eighteenth episode, I was ready to kill the writers of the show if anyone was kidnapped again...

The fact that 24 is set in 'real time' is extremely clever, and manages to do so without seeming terribly slow or contrived. Although the events were clearly not realistic, the people seemed very realistic. Character flaws were not covered up, and the lighting and imagery was harsh enough to convey some realism (Unlike CBS's neverending flow of dolled-up crime dramas).

The show could have done without some repetition such as the continuing arguments between Sherry and Palmer. He's an honest, honorable, wonderful politician (a.k.a dinosaur) and she's a conniving bitch who will steamroll over everyone in her way to get power. We get it. It doesn't need to be repeated in nearly every episode.

Also, 24 is amazing in its treatment of twists and turns. People who were originally good turn bad and people who were originally bad stay bad. It's the world against Jack Bauer. Frankly, it was funny how many trials he went through and slightly heartbreaking as well (especially the twist at the end). Although the double agent standpoint is overdone, it was overdone cleverly, which makes it acceptable.

24 wraps up neatly, though not terribly well. The center of 24 revolves around Sutherland's brilliant depiction of Jack Bauer. Against my will, I really sympathized with him. I didn't like him, but I had an immense amount of respect for him. 24 is probably the best TV series I have seen.

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