Wednesday, January 18, 2006

total and utter sexiness

Good God, I never thought that I'd ever fall in love with a tiny piece of white plastic and metal, but I have. I never thought that I'd be gushing over an iPod. I never thought that I was so hopelessly materialistic...but look at it. It is so sleek and sexy and gorgeous. If it were a guy...enough said.

My iPod nano is a Christmas/birthday present from my parents, who are probably more in touch with pop culture than I am at this point (sadly enough).

If nothing else, Apple has geniuses on their advertising staff and brilliant product designers. With its unique look and easy-to-use wheel, iPod virtually leaves its competitors at its starting gate. I have heard from various other owners of the iPod that the product is not as reliable as sony's players or a few other mp3 players on the market. Honestly, I haven't used any of the other players, so I have no idea of the battery life or whether iPods, for their gorgeous design, are really flakier than most.

I found the interface easy to use, and the sound quality is quite good (It is apple) and much better than the sound that I get from the CD players that I've used in the past. I admit that iPods are pretty pricey, but if Apple can get people to pay exorbitant amounts for a tiny piece of metal (myself included), all the better for them.

The iPod is a cultural phenomenon, but it's no different from the time when everyone carried a walkman or CD player on the subway or on the street. The difference now is that Apple has a gargantuan share of the market...I don't think that the iPod is causing social isolation or any of the other things that the media is harping about.

1 comment:

Tarun said...

I love my iPod.