Wednesday, January 25, 2006

teal doors

Last night, I was finally inspired to finish painting my room (except for a small chunk on the top ledge that I couldn't reach). Five months ago, the walls in my room my room were a disgusting light dirty yellow and non-descript dull blue. For the sake of my sanity, I decided to paint the room in brighter, cheerier colors. I spent two straight days taping and painting, working throughout the days and most of the nights as well. Most of the room is swathed in teal, with chunks of white for relief. Instead of following the ledges and natural corners, I angled and alternated triangles and trapezoids of teal and white. By the end of the second day, I was sick of inhaling paint fumes and was dead tired, so I left my closet door and the inside of my main door and the doorframes their original colors.

At 12:30AM this morning, I was inspired to finish the doorframes and the two doors. Having run out of white paint, I finished my doors and doorframes with teal. It's also easier because I can get away with one coat of teal vs. two coats of white. Painting is therapeutic, and I really like the swishing motions. I wanted to fix the trapezoid of dull blue that's left over near the ceiling, but I'm vertically challenged. Unfortunately, my chair wasn't high enough for me to reach, and I couldn't move my dresser across the room this time. I guess the chunk will stay until the next inhabitant decides to either fix it or paint over the obnoxious teal/white geometry.

My next project will be putting up drapes around my room. I got fantastic material, silvery, turquoise, dark blue, white, and transparent blue for Christmas. I might even put up a swing in the two hooks in my ceiling (left over from the previous inhabitant).

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