Wednesday, March 22, 2006

moodiness and roses

I'm not in the mood to study anymore for my 14.13 midterm tomorrow morning (~10 hours from now), and even less in the mood to start my 18.100A pset (due ~35 hours from now). It saddens me that spring break seems so far away (~37 hours from now).

The beginning of spring break will be spent finishing up part of my urop (the non-crazy, non-regular one) so I can get to the fun stuff (women entrepreneurs) the second half of term. I'll probably stay for a day or two in Rhode Island with my dad, then go down to DC for the rest of the week at my mom's with two of my other friends.

Washington DC is one of my favorite places. It's beautiful and sweltering in the summer, and I love going into all of the museums and strolling through Arlington national cemetary. I'm not into cemetaries in general, but Arlington is so beautiful and peaceful. Of course, there's also the dying for your country/heroism part that I'm a huge fan of.

Another thing that I love about the Smithsonian are the roses growing outside...I love pure white roses and deep red roses. They're so vibrant and absolute. In a world of no absolutes (except for the fact that I'm not dead, as Amy so generously pointed out to me), it's nice to see such beauty.

I also like irises because of their unique shape and impossible blueness. I realized that everyone loves blue because all shades of blue look wonderful, whereas there are so many shades of green that make you want to puke, despite the fact that certain shades of bright crystal green and deep green are stunningly gorgeous.

I've been to most of the good spots in DC already, but I definitely wouldn't mind seeing some of them again. I also want to explore Virginia. Shenandoah valley and Fredericksburg are on my list for the summer.

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