Wednesday, March 15, 2006

my non-fantasy

I'm sitting at my desk running regressions on my laptop. My dream man throws open the door, rushes in, tears the laptop away from my hands and declares, "Honey, you can finish those regressions later." I swoon while he throws me on my bed...

No, I'm kidding. It's almost impossible to get into my dorm. First, he has to get through the main door, then through the locked door on my hall. Finally, my door is almost always locked, so he'd probably have to knock (In the unlikely event that he got to my door in the first place), in which case, I'd have to get up and open the door, thus making it impossible for me to be sitting at my laptop...

Actually, I'd settle for a cup of tea and a pastry at ABP.


scribblegrl said...

i have keys to her room and can let anyone into the dorm if anyone wants to be mimi's dream man...

MX said...

lol...just make sure they're male first;)