Sunday, October 15, 2006

the other side of the fence

To supplement my average stipend, I've proctored a few times the past week. On Tuesday, a professor desperately needed a proctor at the last minute and I happened to be there. Unfortunately, I thought he was a graduate student. I guess he thought that it was a compliment, but he still laughs at me every time he passes me in the hallway. There were only two students, so that was fine, and what was even better was that they weren't allowed to ask questions (weird), so I just sat there and did my homework.

On Thursday, I proctored two sections of another exam. This time, the students did ask questions. 99% of the time, they were just too lazy to read the entire question themselves and wanted me to explain. What the hell is up with that? MBAs. Go figure. At first, I was absolutely terrified about answering questions since I didn't TA the class and I hadn't even looked at the midterm. Then I realized that either they hadn't read the question properly or I couldn't give the answer, so that made things much simpler.

Afterwards, the professor was extremely nice and took us out to eat at an even nicer place. It's one of those places with exorbitant prices that serves miniscule portions. Apparently he'd been a professor here since 1985. Ha ha ha. I guess there is some feeling on superiority when I'm standing in front of a class and I'm the youngest person in the's something that I've thought about before and joked about with other people. Entirely weird, but maybe fantasies do come true.

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