Wednesday, November 01, 2006

losing my head and everything in between

Oh dear God, what the fuck is wrong with me? I went to the bookstore an hour ago to look around. In front of the cash register, I reached into my bag and realized that my wallet was missing. More frantic groping came up with nothing. I raced back to my room, swept over everything in my desk, only to find no wallet. Then it was a mad dash to the bookstore and realizing that someone must have stolen it.

Back in my room, I promptly cancelled all of my credit cards and ATM cards, then called my dad to deal with my missing driver's license. I guess I sounded like I was on the edge of a gigantic breakdown, because he was ubernice and supportive. I tried to figure the stupid DMV stuff for ten minutes, then my dad asked me if I had looked on my bed and around the room. Of course, my wallet was in the second drawer from the top of my desk. Then I did have my mental breakdown and started sobbing like there was no tomorrow because in my utter stupidity, I keep my brass rat in my wallet and I thought I had lost it. Apparently men don't like hysterical and teary females because my dad told me that he wanted to go back to watching his basketball game.

I have never felt so relieved. or stupid. ever. Jesus Christ. Maybe I'll even find that swimsuit that I lost a few days ago. I'm just beyond annoyed because I'm so careless with everything. It was even worse when I was little. Sometimes, it seems to me that my subconscious wants to be careless . I could fill a mausoleum with everything that I've misplaced over the years (if I could find them). Good God. And maybe I should appreciate my parents more for putting up with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimi! Sounds like a rough day =( but I'm glad that you still have your wallet at the end of the day. Haven't seen you online very much lately, how are you doing?