Friday, April 10, 2009

being single

This must be a hallmark of being a single girl...suddenly getting a craving for ice cream on Friday evening after dinner with friends. Or maybe I just want to reminisce about undergrad, where my friends and I would eat pints of dulce de leche and only dulce de leche for dinner, and me pulling an all-niter, scarfing down a pint of Ben&Jerry's (I think it was chocolate fudge brownie), then going blithely to play some tennis.

Alas, my metabolism has slowed down. I could only manage two scoops of dulce de leche, and didn't even open the Cherry Garcia. It might have something to do with eating burgers and fries every day for lunch and dinner during my entire sophomore year of college with tuna subs here and there to break up the monotony...let's not forget about eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at ABP during my junior and senior years. If only actions didn't have consequences, my stomach and I would be much happier now. Humans are destined to make the same mistakes over and over again, so I still eat my fair share of food truck grub, although I do try once in a while to make things like mashed potatoes with kale, terrible tasting guacamole, and microwaved hot dogs on occaision. I try. Not very hard, but I do try. As my friends know, I also eat out more than enough in Philadelphia. My goal is to eventually eat at every restaurant in Philly worth going to (this is one goal that I consistently take great strides in). When all else fails, there's the comfort of calories.

Finally, this is super cute: Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream Graveyard...all of the sad and dead de-pinted flavors.

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