Thursday, June 18, 2009

not so cosi

Words cannot express how I feel about that cosi. This is a place with possibly the worst customer service in the world (and yes, I am including all Asian countries). Every time I step inside of cosi, I get this strange feeling that the workers seem to place a perverse amount of pride in being inefficient.

First, there's a sandwich and salad counter where there are approximately five employees baking bread and one making salads and sandwiches. This doesn't change depending on whether it's noon or 3PM. There are also two checkout counters where there are approximately four employees standing at any given time but only one who actually works the register (at a mind-numbing pace).

Before 5PM, you're supposed to go directly to the counter to order your sandwich/salad/whatever. After that, it's to the register first, where the incompetent person in charge rings you up and gives the order to the sandwich/salad employee about fifteen minutes later. Of course, there are no signs to this effect, so people mill around and get yelled at sometimes if they're not familiar with the ludicrously inane system. Basically, getting a salad or a sandwich takes forever, and God forbid, don't even think about getting flatbread or something else. Apparently with five employees baking bread at all hours of the day, no one can bake you a flatbread within half an hour. Maybe putting some shredded cheese and pepperoni on top of a piece of dough is unbearably hard.

What's even more maddening is that the place is always packed, so you'd be lucky to even get a scrap of bread or lettuce at lunchtime. People should boycott, even though it's in a prime location. Making sandwiches all day might not be the most interesting job in the world, but is it so difficult for people to use an ounce of common sense once in a while? Right...worker's compensation isn't tied to performance. Still, isn't it better not to piss off your customers? Not that I should be complaining, because I got my sandwich in a record fifteen minutes today and the cash register didn't even reject my credit card.

1 comment:

Adam C. Powell, Ph.D. said...

After having similar experiences at other Philadelphia fast food establishments, particularly in The Gallery, I seriously think the restaurants should consider profit-sharing. I often feel that these employees treat me as a disturbance in their day. (Perhaps things have not been bad in Chinatown, as many restaurants are owner operated.)