Saturday, January 02, 2010

I'm a shallow shallow person

Job hunting must be one of the most cheerless and boring activities ever. It's a billion times worse than networking, since at least there's alcohol involved (Suddenly, I know how to make cover letter writing more fun). While fixing my resume, I decided that the only way to go about it was to reinvent the wheel and list everything I've done in the past seven years. During this harrowing exercise, many phrases and quotes floated between my ears, including: "breadth over depth", "jack of all trades, master of none", "more is less", etc. etc. It's little wonder that I keep on complaining about my grades and performance all the time. Sometimes I breathe new life into "being spread to thin." This is where everyone gives me a collective "Duh."

In undergrad, I took...way too many classes each term, did a total of five UROPS and three internships. Nothing really changed in grad school. I TAed 10 classes over three years. Now, in the MBA program, I tried to take 7.5 classes, TA 4 classes, lead 2 clubs, and recruit in one quarter. Life has not changed. Life is not so good.

There is nothing good about breadth over depth unless I want to be on Jeopardy or Who Wants to be a Millionaire. First, my performance is obviously hit or miss...and the misses are pretty awful. Second, I become entrenched in a mindset that everything is short-term. Third, relationships really suffer, and finally, I feel like I'm stagnating as a person. Going absolutely nowhere and regressing.

I try to do too much because things bore me pretty easily, especially when repeated. There's a constant fear that if I cut down by half, I would just putter the other half away. I like to think of myself as somewhat thrill-seeking and hedonistic, so maybe overextending is my control mechanism instead of something more effective and less destructive, like...self-control. Maybe if I believed in New Year's resolutions, I'd work on...right. If anyone knows of a job where I can do something new and exciting every day, please let me know. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last night, I discussed with Naoki what my New Years resolution should be for 2010. I decided to pick the following: "In 2010, I resolve to complete all of the major unfinished projects that I started in 2009." This may require me to accept less new assignments, but I think there is a lot of value in completing things. So, I might have to scale back a little as well.