Sunday, April 29, 2007

the days fly by

I got nothing accomplished today. Absolutely nothing. First of all, the only other girl in my program came in after a week of hiding in her room, and I was so excited that we spent hours giggling and not getting anything done. One of my coworkers told me that his noise-cancellation earphones weren't advanced enough to mute our giggles. We gossip a lot, make exploding sounds, draw stick figures on the white board, talk ghetto, sing bad songs, and torment our colleagues. Basically, we're like five-year olds.

Of course, I also worked on my tennis ball catching skills today (I can catch with one hand!) and realized that I can't beat guys in arm wrestling (or anything sports related). It's not fair that I'm so deficient because I'm a girl. On a different note, I realized that I can get things if I pout and/or whine enough. This disturbes me slightly b/c I feel like I get my way just because I'm a girl and it seems like I'm cheating. I'd rather fight for it (but I'd lose).

The highlight of my day was picking out a birthday card for one of my colleagues. I think my sense of humor got the better of me because he's going to know right away that I was the guilty party responsible. We insult each other within an inch of our lives. Poor boy. I'd like to think of it as honing my sense of humor.

I'm mostly just glad that my cough is almost entirely gone. I barely slept last week and almost went crazy because I was putting in 16 hour days of studying. The guy who lives in the room directly above mine told me that he could hear me coughing at night. That's pretty bad. I would sit in classes and really hope that I wouldn't die coughing. I think I definitely started pissing people off with my coughing. The worst was not being able to sleep. I became scared of trying to go to sleep because I knew that I'd just start hacking my lungs out. Of course, that made it even more difficult to sleep. I became even bitchier than usual.

But classes are over, and I can't bring myself to be too stressed yet (maybe tomorrow). Maybe I'll go to the office and actually get something done if I can stay away from the temptations of playing catch and teasing my coworkers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


it was so nice to chat with you! good luck on finals, and i hope you take care of yourself!

hehe can totally relate to all your stories!

see you this summer!