Wednesday, August 30, 2006

first bank, second bank, first exchange

Today, per my dorkiness, I went to visit the first bank, second bank, and the first exchange of the United States.

The First Bank of the United States.

The Second Bank of the United States, modelled after the Parthenon.

The first Exchange of the United States.

I'm trying to foster a passion for finance that will sustain me for the next five years. I'd be lying if I said that I'm going into my program with perfect confidence and composure. Going into undegrad was so easy because there were no expectations. I was seventeen and stupid. There were good things and there was crap. It's was all fine and dandy because I was enthusiastic. I was cheerful, and I took things in a stride.

Now I feel like I've decided which way my life is going, which is frightening as all hell. There's no more innocence, only the knowledge that I've dedicated myself to this, and this is what I am going to do.

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