Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I'm in Philly for today and part of tomorrow. UPenn is gorgeous, although the rest of the city is questionable. UPenn is just like Harvard but bigger and prettier.

I walked to Chinatown with Adam and had Pho...We walked about 6 miles total. Center City is nice with pretty shops (Ann Taylor, BCBG Max Aria, Arden B...), but far far from campus.

It's back to RI for two weeks, moving my stuff down to UPenn, then starting grad school...

Not that much else to say. School startes after labor day. Nine people total in my class, seven men and two women. Many more than previous years of four or five. I've met seven of the other eight people, and the other girl is also an MIT alum.

If this entry sounds so uninspiring, it's probably because I got up at 5:15AM this morning to get to Philly. My brain is shutting down.

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