Sunday, September 17, 2006


Life sucks for the math impaired when you're in finance. New projects to date: Relearning implicit differentiation, figuring out which way signs go in an equation, and learning how to prove things.

Today I was working with three other guys in my department in the computer lab. I don't know why, but I just feel like I have something to prove. Having never worked with these people before, it's almost like I'm testing the waters. I think I came out of today having given the impression that while I'm not completely brain dead, I'm definitely proof-impaired.

I really don't know. I've never been one of those people to get a problem set and just crank through the whole thing for hours and hours at a time. I have never looked at a problem and stared at it for hours (apparently this is more common then I thought). Now, it feels dumb asking for help, especially since I don't really know the people in my program very well and it's just a stupid perception thing. I really should get over this fear of being perceived as (god-forbid!) unintelligent and just ask for help (though I'm not sure that this is something that guys do either).

It's definitely different to go through the day interacting with primarily all guys and occaisonally the other girl in my program. The guys in my program are surprisingly funny and nice (so far). I think I have this metastable status that wavers between being one of the guys and some strange and foreign entity. I just sit there and laugh when they hit on undergrads and feel some misguided sense of superiority. Anyway, time to get some sleep, wake up early, and tackle order relations and countable sets before meeting at 10:30AM.

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