Tuesday, September 12, 2006

the wonderful brain

While perusing mytube, I found an artsy questionnaire used in an interview and proceeded to try it out on some of my friends. Pain...lots of pain.

Here are the questions and my responses:
  • What's your favorite word?
    • numinous. duh.
  • What's your least favorite word?
    • c***
  • What turns you on?
    • integrity
  • What turns you off?
    • arrogance
  • What's your favorite sound or noise?
    • water running
  • What's your least favorite sound or noise?
    • chalk scraping across a blackboard
  • If you had to choose a profession other than your own, what would it be?
    • it's pretty obvious
  • What profession would you never ever choose?
    • lawyer
Here's another set of responses:

What's your favorite word?
A: word for what?
A: ion think i have one
A: ok ill go with moop

What's your least favorite word?
A: y would i have such strong feelings about words???
A: i never did like the supercalafragilisticespialadotious word

What turns you on?
A: like on or onnnnn
A: ion understand these questions
A: so on as in sexual or on as in u like it a lot
Me: you're supposed to answer spontaneously
A: like the first thing to pop into my head when u asked it?
A: well monkies came to mind
A: but ionno y
Me: I give up
A: nooooo
A: i wanna know my fortune!!!
Me: it's just random questions
A: so what doya get at the end of it?
A: a wish?
A: aww thats crappy

What turns you off?
A: what?!?!
A: this is so confusing

and on and on...It was painful. Person B didn't fare much better...

What's your favorite word?
B: inarticulatable is a good word
B: as is schreuengthed
Me: what?
B: it's the longest one syllable word in english
Me: what does it mean?
B: nothing
B: it doesn't really exist
Me: I'm confused
B: it's a dumb word i made up a long time ago
B: cuz i needed a really long one syllable word

What turns you on?
B: hm?
B: i dunno

What turns you off?
B: hm -- murderous ax-wielding lunatics?

What's your favorite sound or noise?
B: plink.

What's your favorite curse word?
B: swounds!
B: it's from shakespaear's time
Me: oh dear god

If you were standing before the gates of heaven, what would God say to you?
B: you really should look both ways before crossing the street, you know

If you had to choose a profession other than your own, what would it be?
B: Media mogul

What profession would you never ever choose?
B: Toilet cleaner

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