Saturday, September 23, 2006

the women of 24

There are a lot of reasons why I'm utterly obsessed with 24. I especially appreciate the fact that all of the main female leads on 24 are both strong and feminine characters. Unlike so many other TV shows, 24 assumes that the viewer is at least moderately intelligent (average IQ) and not just breathing.

The female leads that I really liked were Teri and Nina. Although I don't particularly like Kate, Kim, Dina, Sherry, and Audrey, they've all got backbones of steel. I'm ambivalent about Michelle and Chloe. It doesn't matter if these women have ever shot a gun (most have). They are the best at their jobs, or they have moments where they go above and beyond. Sure, sometimes they need rescuing, but these women never become the helpless damsel in distress.

There aren't that many women on the show (compared to men), and while some of the men are portrayed as weak, the women are never so. Part of the reason probably stems from the fact that they have to act in scenes with Jack, and he would probably shoot someone for incompetence.

I like the fact that all of these women are competent and many are as good if not better than their male counterparts (Michelle and Chloe). It's something to have your best computer programmer be a woman and something again to have your lead agent as a female who goes into a hot zone infected with biological weapons without protection in order to take control of the situation. It's also amazing for a mother to allow herself to be raped in order so that her daughter would be spared.

The scenes that I really enjoyed were those where the girls went out into the field and their husbands, fathers, whatever protested...but they went anyway and no one could stop them. Michelle and Kim basically told Tony and Jack: Look, this is my job. I'm the most qualified person, and I'm going to do it whether you like it or not, so deal with it and focus. In season 3, I had so much more respect for Michelle than for Tony becuase she was the one who kept her head many times while he let his emotions take over. She made the right decisions (Has Michelle ever been wrong?) and he didn't.

I've also watched extensive interviews with most of the cast and crew. I was surprised by how intelligent and eloquent the actors and actresses really were and how well they fielded the questions (I don't think they received the questions beforehand). There are a few people who seem ill at ease (Kiefer Sutherland, Carlos Bernard (Tony Almeida), and Mary-Lynn (Chloe)) when they're in an interview, but the rest were great and they all take everything very very seriously. It's fun to watch these amazingly witty and funny people put on a poker face on the show.

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