Friday, September 08, 2006

one hundred days of solitude

I haven't had a personal life lately. Looking back at college (I know, it's only been three months since graduation), it might actually have been a really good part of my life. I miss the people a lot. Over the past month, the only person I've talked to on a regular basis is me, and that's not very healthy. Talking to myself is fine and dandy. I have lots of things to say, but it's slightly difficult to expand my horizons when there's only one viewpoint.

There've been people that I've met here, but I haven't been able to discern a strong connection (ok, so Rome wasn't built in a day). I feel like I'm past acquaintances but not quite to the friend stage yet. Maybe it's harder because 95% of the people that I interact with now are guys. It's harder for me to pick up guy vibes.

Following are random thoughts about Philly.
Things I enjoy about Philly:
- Cost of living compared to Boston...almost nonexistent
- Pretty campus
- Food truck that sells fruit salad
- More than 10 food trucks on campus

Things I don't enjoy about Philly:
- It's dirty
- It's more dangerous to walk here during the daytime than in Boston at night
- It's got multiple personalities (neighborhoods)

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