Friday, February 10, 2006

24 Part II

Hmmm...I guess I can be described as a critical person. It seems irrational for me to actually invest 18+ hours to watch a show (not to mention recovery time) that I'm critical of. Don't get me wrong, 24 is the best TV show that I've seen to date, and it is vastly superior in its ingenuity than anything else to date (Lost comes in at a distant second). Unlike Lost, 24 is self-contained within a single season and is significantly less convoluted. It's also a long action movie that doesn't pretend to be anything else.

The second season bothered me a bit because the cast and the writers became infected with a mild strain of that insiduous bug known as self-importance. Nuclear weapon threatening the lives of over 2 million Americans? Check. A president threatened to be impeached? Check. Starting a potential war against Middle Eastern countries suspected of harboring terrorists? Check. I wonder if the Bush administration watches TV? The writers are quite clairvoyant, considering that the second season aired in 2002.

I appreciate the importance of all the issues that are brought up in the show, but it was too heavy on politics and too light on Jack Bauer. The man can act and rightfully should be at the center of 24. As to all the critics about Kim and the cougar and Kim and the boxes and on and on...It wasn't clear to me that Kim was more stupid than she was in the first season. On the contrary, she seemed stronger. The problem was that her storyline wasn't connected to the main plot. When a nuclear weapon is set to denotate, the trials of a girl in the wild might just be a bit trivial.

Nevertheless, the acting ranged from decent to good, and the story was much better paced than last season. This season was more solid than last season and retained the quality of acting for the most part and the constant surprises that makes 24 tick.

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