Tuesday, February 14, 2006

work work work

So...I've been doing my UROP for four days straight. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration. I've been running regressions and creating Excel tables all of Saturday and Sunday and part of the time on Monday and Tuesday. My UROP supervisor is on sabbatical, but doing research at Stanford University (how does that work?). I'm convinced that she sits in front of her computer 24/7, becuase she responds to my emails instantly. That might be a good thing, because she's keeping me on my toes. I also sit with my eyes glued to the computer screen. Seriously, my butt hurts from sitting so much.

As a woman in academia (or in lots of fields), I guess you need to be a hardass (note for future reference). Or, as one of my friends put it, it's a self-selection process. It's hard to get to the top and there are just so many sacrifices that you have to make to get there. Allowing yourself to feel or regret or doubt makes it all the harder, which is why the women in academia seem tougher than men. Moreover, there's always the issue of sexism, which I desperately hate and don't see the point of discussing. Women in academia are seen as more extreme because they move further away from the perceived average. I wonder what brought this on?

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