Friday, February 10, 2006

more 24 goodness

Yayness! I devoured the second season of 24 last Sunday/Monday. ETA: 18.5 hours. 12:00PM-6:30AM. This little show has definitely replaced an entire class of TV shows to become my new obsession.

Season 1 was better than season 2. However, I have to admit that I'm far from being an unbiased observer. Considering that I had never seen anything like 24 before and I didn't know what to expect, the first season was a really good surprise. For season 2, the characters were already known, and I was expecting the unexpected (To be fair, I already knew some of the plot lines as well).

Compared to season 1, season 2 was definitely more polished. Whereas season 1 started out with a bang and lost some momentum halfway through, season 2 started out with a slow burn and slowly worked its way up to the climax (Or several climaxes, as is the usual fare of 24).

Once again, Kiefer Sutherland carries the entire show through his dramatic persona of Jack Bauer. The rest of the acting is still above par, with David Palmer reprising his stoic, moral compass-like guiding role, this time as the president of the United States. Kim Bauer continues to get herself into impossible situations, though really growing in maturity (and balls) in the last episode. Sherry Palmer was better this time around. Instead of the one-dimensional bitch that she was in season 1, she shows some small amount of empathy and good-will in season 2.

Nina Myers also returns in this season, and I am of the firm opinion that this woman needs more screen time. She has amazing chemistry with Jack Bauer (especially in the interrogation scene where she collapses). Paula and Michelle Dessler are nice, but extremely bland when compared to Nina. The other development I liked were those in George Mason's character. The comic relief that he provided with a dry wit was precious, as well as his exit.

The Warners were relatively weak, with Kate doing an average job (just compare Kate Warner and Nina Myers) and Marie trying especially hard. However, Marie was just too instable and weak for the audience to believe that she was really a dangerous terrorist. Furthermore, I don't understand the obsession over Tony Almeida. Although he's easy on the eyes, Tony is about as interesting as the metal tables positioned in CTU's interrogation rooms.

The second season of 24 focused more on government politics than Jack's personal struggle to rescue his family. I didn't enjoy this shift as much, although I recognize that it would be stupid for Kim to get kidnapped again and again. There were more episodes in season 2 that were weaker than the episodes in season 1. Granted that some of the melodrama in season 1 was absolutely ridiculous, season 2 seemed relatively flat by comparison.

There were some golden moments in this season. Scenes that come to mind are all of Jack's scenes with Nina, Jack piloting the plane, and Jack instructing Kim how to shoot the gun in self-defense. It would've been more enjoyable if there had been more of these moments.

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