Friday, February 10, 2006


And so it last semester at this place. I spent the first week shuffling and reshuffling classes. I dropped Developmental Economics and Intro to Java and kept Economics and Psychology, Complex Variables, Analysis I, and Options, Futures, and other Derviatives. I'm also thinking about adding an advanced graduate class in corporate finance. I've also started on two UROPS. I should also look for jobs in case I don't get into any graduate schools (Unlikely, but who knows).

I'm not sure what I feel about these last 3.5 years. Some part of me wants to go back in time. Another part of me just wants it to be over. I just wonder who I'm going to be in 5, 10, 15, 20 years and whether I'd be any different if I hadn't been here for these last few years. Who knows. Let me live to the best of my ability and keep my head above the waves.

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