Monday, February 20, 2006

slices of pie

I was talking with one of my friends yesterday at 2AM in the morning (what normal person wouldn't be holding deep conversations at 2AM?), and she compared an individual's social network and personal connections to a pie. Her pie seemed to be divided into fewer slices since she doesn't have close family except for her parents and a few good friends. For those of us that are fortunate or unfortunate enough to give everyone large slices of our pie, each connection and each person seems more important. For people with extended families and large groups of friends, there are so many slices to keep track of and each person gets a smaller slice...

But then again, it's not like everyone's pie is the same size to begin with, and not everyone belongs on the same pie. Personally, I like pumpkin pie. Apple pie is also good, but sometimes too sweet. Chicken pies are good too and fantastically easy to make. The only downside is that the chicken pies I make are very heavy (maybe I need to go lighter on the flour). Mince pies annoy me, but cheesecake...mmmmmmmm. Or ice cream...cookie dough, or especially Hagen Daas's Dulce de Leche. Or Toscanini's...If it weren't 2AM in the morning, I'd go get myself a scoop of mango. Never mind that the temperature outside is probably a good twenty degrees lower than the actual ice cream itself. It's never the wrong season for ice cream, nor is ice cream ever too sweet.

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